Ancient British, Celtic gold stater of the Corieltauni,
Early Uninscribed Issue of the 'Kite' type, similar to ABC
1761 but only one wheel visible, obverse and this contains
pellets rather than spokes, reverse:- Lunate horse,
diamond shape above, two pellets visible, below horse
three clusters of trefoils of pellets and three armed spiral,
Spink 392, VF/GVF
£200 - £250
Ancient Greek bronze of 27mm. of Syracuse, Diademed
head of Hieron II / Horseman galloping right holding
spear, Sear 1221, NVF together with a bronze of 24mm.
of Antioch, Laureate head of Zeus, right / Zeus
enthroned, left, dated year 219 = 78-79 B.C., Sear 5853,
VF [2]
£50 - £60
Ancient Greek silver stater of Pharsalos on the Thessarian
Plain [celebrated for it's horsemen], 400-344 B.C., Head
of Athena right, of fine style, her helmet ornamented with
wing / Horseman prancing right, holding whip, Sear
2191 [This the scene of Caesar's famous victory over
Pompey in 48 B.C.], obverse off centre, good metal, NEF
£240 - £280
Ancient Greek silver tetradrachm of Lysimachos,
Kingdom of Thrace, 323-281 B.C., Head of Alexander
the Great, diademed and wearing horn of Ammon, right
/ Athena entroned, left, holding Nike, Sear 6814var.,
£180 - £220
Ancient Greek (4) Archaic period Ionia Asia Minor
Miletos 6thC BC 1/12th staters, Obv: Forepart of Lion,
head turned to L or R / Rev: Star ornament within incuse
square, aF or better.
£80 - £90
Ancient Greek, Corinth Silver stater, c.350-306 B.C.,
obverse:- Pegasos with pointed wing, flying left, koppa
beneath, reverse:- Helmeted head of Athena left, behind
small figure of Artemis running left, carrying torch, Sear
2631var., reverse lightly pitted, obverse very slightly off
centre, good metal, VF/GF
£50 - £60
Anglo-Saxon Kings of Noethumbria, styca of Aethelred
II, first reign 841-844, obverse central cross, reverse circle
enclosing pellet, moneyer Wilfred [retrograde], wt.
0.86g., Spink 865, with old ticket, Ex DNW,Dec.13, lot
2150 [part], VF with a ditto but of Archbishop Wigmund,
837-850 wt.1.04g., central cross each side, moneyer
Edilhelm, Spink 870, with old ticket, from same DNW lot
as first coin, well centred, EF [2]
£50 - £60
Anglo-Saxon Kings of Northumbria, styca of Aethelred
II, first reign 841-844, cross, reverse annulet, moneyer
Eanred, wt. 1.26g., Spink 865, with old ticket, Ex. DNW,
Mar.12, lot 363, GF, with a ditto but moneyer Alghere,
wt. 1.19g., with old ticket, Ex DNW, Dec.13, lot 2150
[part], GF [2]
£30 - £35
Anglo-Saxon Northumbria, copper alloy styca, Aethelred
II, First Reign 841-843/4, obverse:- +EDILRED around
cross, reverse:- +MONNE [the moneyer] around cross S.
865, unusually good surfaces and well struck, EF
£50 - £60
Anglo-Saxon sceat, Primary Phase, c.680-c.710, Series
BIIIA, Type 27a, Diademed head, right, with pointed
nose / Full bodied bird on cross, pellet before, annulet
either side of cross, both designs within serpent circle,
Spink 777A, with old ticket, VF
£25 - £30
Anglo-Saxon sceat, Primary Phase, c.680-c.710, Series C,
Variety C2, Radiate bust right, legend off flan / Standard
reading TOTII, four crosses around, Spink 779, with old
ticket, VF
£25 - £30
Anglo-Saxon silver sceat from Series E [Porcupine
Series], as Metcalf, pp.197, 222-242 [1993], found
Wetheringsett, Suffolk, !st. August 2013, sold with full
report of the find etc., VF
£35 - £40
Anglo-Saxon silver sceat from Series E [Porcupine
Series], similar to Abramson, 89, E220 [2006], found
Wetheringsett, Suffolk, 1st. November 2015, sold with full
report of the find etc., VF
£35 - £40
Anglo-Saxon silver sceat from Series E, Vernus Group 1,
as Metcalf pp.141-143, figs f-g [1993], found
Wetheringsett, Suffolk, 1st. January 2013, small areas of
edge missing, F/GF, sold with a fragment of a silver
penny of Edward the Elder, Two Line type, found on the
same day, same village, also with a report, VF [2]
£35 - £40
Anglo-Saxon silver sceat from Series F, Type 24a/b, as
Metcalf pp. 125-132 [1993], found Wetheringsett,
Suffolk, 1st. August 2013, sold with full report of find etc.,,
slightly off centre, VF
£35 - £40
Anglo-Saxon silver sceat from Series O, Type 40, similar
to Spink 807B but reverse monster looks the other way,
similar to Abramson 0300 [2006], found Wetheringsett,
Suffolk, 1st. January 2014, sold with full report of find
etc., GVF
£80 - £100
Anglo-Saxon silver sceat from the Kentish series 'K',
Type 42, Diademed bust, right, bird before / Hound left,
looking up and back, plant behind, Spink 803A, with old
ticket, slightly rough surfaces, well centred, scarce, VF
£50 - £60
Anglo-Saxon silver sceat from the Primary Series C,
AEPA in runes / TOTI I, similar to Spink 779, found
Wetheringsett, Suffolk, 1st. August 2013, sold with full
report of find etc., GF
£35 - £40