Domitian brass sestertius, Rome Mint 85 A.D., reverse:-
S C in exergue, Domitian, togate, standing right, clasping
hands over lighted altar, with officer standing left,
accompanied by three soldiers, two of whom hold
standards, Sear 2775 an interesting and scarce 'military'
type, some obverse legend weak or gone but clear, F
£120 - £150
Domitian silver denarius, Rome Mint 87 A.D., reverse
legend:- IMP XIIII COS XIII CENS P P P, Minerva
advancing right, holding spear and shield, Sear - , RIC
517, large, even strike and exhibiting some original finish,
£120 - £130
Eadgar silver penny of the Reform Small Cross Type,
Spink 1141, obverse reads:- +EADGAR REX
ANGLOX , reverse reads:- +AESCMAN M-O STANF.,
['AE' and 'NF' ligulate], Stamford Mint, moneyer
Aescman, with old ticket, extreme edge loss at obverse 12
to 2 o'clock, large and central, NVF
£400 - £500
Edward III silver groats, classes C and E, one with reverse
crack across flan, full, F/GF the other with light scuffs, F
£40 - £50
Edward III silver groat, Fourth Coinage 1351-1377, Pre-
Treaty Period 1351-1361, Class D 1352-1353, Spink
1566, GF with a James I shilling, Fair and Edwardian
penny P. [3]
£40 - £45
Edward III silver groat, Fourth Coinage 1351-1377, Pre-
Treaty Period 1351-1361, Series E 1354-1355, V with
nick in right limb, Spink 1567, found Suffolk, reverse
slightly double-struck, VF/GF
£40 - £60
Edward III silver groat, London Mint, French title
omitted, lis on cusps above crown, reverse barred Roman
'N's, double annulet stops obverse, double salitire stops,
reverse, Lombardic 'M's, mm. Cross pattee, flan a little
irregular, small, short striking split into legend, scuff
across obverse, GF/NVF
£25 - £30
Edward III silver halfgroat, Pre-Treaty Period 1351-1361
F/G mule, obverse mm. Crown, reverse reads:- POSVI
DEV DEVM ADIM [D.I.G.18], Spink 1579/1578, rare,
£50 - £70
Edward IV First Reign 1461-1485, Light coinage 1464-
1470, silver groat, mm. Rose 1464-1464, trefoils at neck,
pellet opposite 'DON' reverse, Spink 2003, with old
ticketlight scuff on obverse, GF/VF, with a ditto again of
London but clipped, NF/GF [2]
£30 - £40
Edward IV silver penny of York, quatrefoil at centre of
reverse, reverse slightly off centre, GF, a ditto again of
York with G and key by bust, quarterfoil centre reverse,
Archbishop Lawrence Booth, Spink 2132, GF, ditto again
of York, Fair, ditto again of York with quaretrefoil at
centre of reverse, Fair/F, a ditto but of Durham,
quatrefoil and B by neck, GF and lastly a silver halfpenny,
no marks visible F [6]
£30 - £40
Edward VI debased silver shilling, Second Issue,
Canterbury Mint, MDXLIX, Bust 3, mm. t / ?, Spink
2468, full, round, well centred, light scuffs each side, a
little weakness each side but a nice example, GF
£250 - £300
Edward VI debased silver shilling, Second Issue,
Southwark Mint, Bust 5, mm.Y, Spink 2466B, portrait
visible, Fair
£55 - £60
Edward VI silver sixpence, Fine Issue 1551-1553, mm.
Tun, Spink 2483, quite nice portrait, GF/VF
£100 - £130
Edward VI silver sixpence, Fine Issue [1551-1553], mm.
Tun, London Mint, Spink 2483, short striking crack into
legend, portrait visible, GF
£140 - £160
Edwardian silver pennies, 7 x London, 2 x Canterbury,
York and Bury St. Edmunds, NF to NVF, [11]
£25 - £30
Edwardian silver pennies, both London, one with annulet
stops, obverse, F/GF and GF together with a rose
farthing of Charles I, mm. Crescent, GF and lastly a
French brass jeton, NVF [4]
£25 - £30
Elagabalus silver denarius, Rome Mint 218-219 A.D.,
reverse reads:- SALVS ANTONINI AVG, Salus
standing right, feeding snake from patera, very short
striking crack at bottom obverse but as produced, much
original mint finish, near mint state
£80 - £90
Elagabalus silver denarius, Rome Mint 220 A.D.,
reverse:- Sol advancing left, right hand raised, whip in left
hand, Sear 7533, VF with an Edwardian silver penny of
London, NF/GF and lastly a silver penny of Hanry VI,
First Reign, 1422-1461, Annulet Issue 1422-1430, Calais
Mint, Spink 1845, lightly clipped but nice portrait, NVF
£30 - £40
Elizabeth I silver halfgroats, first mm. Tun 1592-1595,
GF next, mm. Woolpack x 2, Fair/F and holed P/Fair
and lastly mm 0 1600, NF, together with a threehalfpence
1575, Fair/GF mostly with old tickets, [5]
£30 - £35
Elizabeth I silver shilling, Sixth Issue [1582-1600] mm.
Tun [1592-1595], Spink 2577, full, round, well centred,
obverse light graffiti over portrait, light scuff in bottom left
quarter of reverse shield, F/GF
£35 - £40