Caracalla silver antoninianius, Rome Mint 216 A.D.,
reverse reads:- P M TR P XVI I I I COS I I I I P P, Sol
standing facing, head left, right hand raised, left holding
globe, Sear 6777, large flan with just a hint of cabinet gold
and blue tone, NEF
£90 - £110
Caracalla silver denarius, Rome Mint 203 A.D., reverse
reads:- PONT TR P VI COS, Roma standing left,
holding Victory and transposed spear, small, neat boyish
bust, Sear 6856, reverse a little weak but as struck, EF
£65 - £75
Caracalla silver denarius, Rome Mint 210 A.D., reverse
reads:- VICTORIAE BRIT [ Victory in Britannia],
Victory advancing left, holding wreath and palm, Sear
6901, reverse legend partly weak, excellent portrait,
£120 - £140
Caracalla silver denarius, Rome Mint 213 A.D., reverse
reads:- MARTI PROPVGNATORI, Mars striding left,
holding trophy and spear, Sear 6819, with old ticket, good
metal, GVF
£30 - £40
Carausius billon antoninianus, London Mint 287-288
A.D., obverse:- Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust, right,
legend:- IMP CARAVSIVS P F AVG, reverse:-
Carausius on horseback pacing left, raising right hand
and holding sceptre in left, seated captive on ground
before, legend:- ADVENTVS AVG, Sear 13551, this the
fiftheenth to be recorded on the PAS database, found at
Great Wilbraham, Cambridgeshire, uncleaned with 'dirt'
infill, clear, rare, F
£150 - £250
Carausius billon antoninianus, PAX AVG type, struck on
an oval flan and 'turned in the die' thus depicting a head
each side and portions of Pax each side, in exergue LXXI
and of the London Mint, Sear 13639, this coin
demonstrates the pressure Carausius's moneyers were
under to produce coin to satisfy his army and populous, F
£40 - £45
Charles I gold Double-Crown, mm. crown [1635-1636],
Group D, Bust 7, both arches of crown unjewelled, Spink
2703, looks to be a detector find as small overall marks
under magnification, GF/NVF
£400 - £450
Charles I gold unite, Tower Mint under the King [1625-
1642], Group B, second bust, with ruff, mantle and
armour, mm. Castle [1627-1628], Spink 2687, full,
round, well centred, a very few very small weak areas, VF
£1400 - £1600
Charles I Halfcrown of York 1643-1644, mm. Lion,
reverse oval garnished shield, obverse EBOR below
horse, Spink 2868, with old ticket, VG - Fine
£80 - £100
Charles I sillver halfgroat, Nicholas Briot's First Milled
Issue 1631-1632, no mm., signed B below bust, wt. 1.04g.,
SCBI Brooker 721, same dies, Spink 2856, Ex. DNW,
Mar.10, lot 91, NEF
£140 - £160
Charles I silver groat, Aberystwyth Mint 1638-1642, mm.
Book, inner circles both sides, single arched crown, neat
bust well within inner circle, Spink 2893, full, round, well
centred, NVF/VF
£100 - £120
Charles I silver shilling, Tower Mint under the King
1625-1642, mm. Triangle 1639-1640, Group F, Sixth
large Briot Bust, Type 4.4, Spink 2799, traces of original
finish, the flan is carelessly produced but the piece is 2 1/2
% over avarage full weight at 6.15gms. and has'nt seen
much circulation, all portrait visible, VF/GVF
£130 - £150
Charles I silver shilling, Tower Mint under the King
[1625-1642], mm Triangle [1639-1640], Group E, Fifth
'Aberyswith' Bust, Type 4-3, Spink 2796, wt. 6.05g., full
but slightly irregular flan, nice bust, all struck up, unusual
thus, GVF
£250 - £300