Charles I silver shilling, Tower Mint under the King
[1625-1642], mm. Star [1640-1641], Group F, Sixth
large Briot bust, Type 4.4, Spink 2799, usual irregular
flan, portions of legend flat, much detail to centres, which
are VF
£140 - £150
Charles I silver sixpence, Briot's Second Milled Issue,
mm. Anchor and Mullet / Anchor, Spink 2860, with old
ticket, reverse scuffed and slightly off centre, F/GF
£30 - £40
Charles I silver sixpence, mm. Tun, 1636-1638, NF/GF
and mm. Sceptre 1646-1648, a small area of edge
damage, F [2]
£40 - £50
Charles I silver sixpence, Tower Mint under the King
[1625-1642], mm. Triangle [1639-1640], Group F Type
4/3 [seems to have lace collar], Spink 2817, Ex.
Middleham Hoard, clipped NF/F with a forgery of an
Elizabeth I groat [2]
£20 - £25
Charles II Third Issue hammered silver halfcrown, mm.
Crown, Spink 3321, with old ticket, slightly irregular flan
but full and central, scratch each side, F/GF
£80 - £100
Cleopatra VII of Egypt, 51-30 B.C., wife of Julius Caesar
and Mark Antony, mother of Caesarion, bronze 40
drachmai of Alexandria, Diademed and draped bust of
Cleopatria VII, right / Eagle standing on thunderbolt,
left, wings closed, Sear 7956, black, rough surfaces, F
£300 - £350
Cnut silver penny, Quatrefoil Type, Spink 1157, obverse
reads:- X CNVT REX ANGLORVM [pellet in centre of
'O'], a strange legend as the initial cross is engraved into
the die but the lettering punches were available as the 'X'
in REX is punched in. Reverse reads:- +EDRIC MOO
GIP [first 'O' horseshoe shaped with square bottom,
second 'O' with pellet centre], Ipswich Mint, moneyer
Edric, Sadler in his
Vol.IIThe Ipswich Mint could trace
7 these dies, 3/4 and a further specimen has turned up in
the USA, of these 8, 4 are in museums, sold with a ticket
by Mike Vosper and the coin is almost certainly
Ex.'Cambridge' Find, Mint state.
£480 - £520
Cnut silver penny, Quatrefoil Type, Spink 1157, obverse
reads:- +CNVT REX ANGLOX, behind head is an
engraved 'T', slightly on its side to look as an 'X', reverse
reads:- +SPRVNT M:. DEO ['D' with thorn, only just
visible], extra pellet in two quarters, 1st. and 2nd.
clockwise, Thetford Mint, moneyer Swrunt, the
cataloguer knows of omly 2 others from these dies, Royal
Coin Cabinet, Stockholm and a piece sold Copenhagen
c.1995, full, round, well centred, scarce, GVF/EF
£320 - £360
Commodus colonial bronze of c.27mm., of
Marcianopolis, Moesia Inferior, obverse:- Youthful
portrait of Commodus, right, bare-headed, draped and
cuirassed, the breast-plate depicting bust of Helmeted
Athena, reverse:- Zeus, standing left, holding
thunderbolt, scarce, GF/F
£60 - £70
Commonwealth halfgroat x 2, Spink 3221, first crinkled,
NF/GF, second, smallish, VF [2]
£40 - £45
Commonwealth silver penny, full, round, well centred,
very lightly crinkled, VF/NVF
£25 - £30
Commonwealth silver penny, Spink 3222, Ex. DNW
Dec.12, lot 452, VF
£40 - £50
Commonwealth sixpence 1656, mm. Sun, Spink 3219,
with old ticket, round and well centred, cracked obverse
3 o'clock, lightly crinkled, F
£40 - £50
Constantine I follis, Trier Mint 316 A.D., reverse:- Mars
standing, right, resting on spear and shield, Sear 15985,
well centred with even tone, EF together with an URBS
ROMA centenionalis, Trier Mint 330-331 A.D., reverse:-
She-Wolf, standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus,
Sear 16488, EF [2]
£40 - £50
Constantius Gallus billon maiorina, struck under
Constantius II, 351-354 A.D., bare-headed bust, right, A
behind, possibly Sear 18954 but a superb brockage, VF
£60 - £70
Constantius II as Augustus, silver reduced siliqua,
Constantinople Mint 357-361 A.D., reverse reads:-
VOTIS XXX MVLTIS XXXX all within wreath,
PCON in exergue, Sear 17951, with old Spink ticket, full,
large flan, GF/VF
£70 - £80
David II of Scotland 1329-1371, silver groat, Second
Coinage 1357-1367, young bust, left breaking plain
tressure, arcs of tressure plain, reverse reads:- VILLA
EDInBVRGh, Edinburgh Mint, Spink 5091, large but
slightly irregular flan, a little weakness each side but a nice
specimen of this issue with nice portrait, VF
£110 - £120
Diadumenian as Caesar under Macrinus, 217-218,
colonial bronze 3assaria of c.24mm. of Marcianopolis
[Thrace], reverse:- Artemis [Diana] advancing right,
holding bow and arrow, dog at feet, Lindgren 722, GF
£40 - £45