WW1 framed Casualty Scroll to 198406 Gnr Frederick
Reginald Hugh King 7th Res RA, Died at Home
24/2/1917. Born Soberton, Hants. Buried Beauworth
£20 - £22
WW1 German GRANATENWERFER Trench Mortar
£45 - £50
WW1 GRV Naval Long Service medal with BWM &
Victory medals with boxed WW2 War medal all to
CH23507 W A Massey A/CPL RMLI
£120 - £130
WW1 helmets German 1916 Pattern helmet with
shrapnel damage to the side and back with two British
Brodie helmets all found in old shed on the Somme
£90 - £95
WW1 H.E. 18ld shell complete with 1916 dated brass
shell case
£70 - £75
WW1 large French trench map of the Somme consisting
of Poziers Longerval Momtauban up to Soyecourt with
much information about trenches corrected 3rd June
£50 - £55
WW1 Mary Tin (empty), with WW1 German Iron Cross
2nd Class and British Lapel Badges 1914 & 1915 (4)
£30 - £35
WW1 May Tin full of various badges, buttons etc (qty)
£30 - £35
WW1 Mentioned In Despatches Certificates named
Temp Capt A M Davies, Gen List. 7th November 1917.
And another named T/Capt (T/Maj) A M Davies MC
Spec List 7th April 1918 (2)
£25 - £30
WW1 Mills no. five Mk 1 hand grenade with two WW1
Batty grenades
£60 - £65
WW1 Officers shoulder badges, St Pauls OTC School
with selection of buttons
£30 - £35
WW1 original scarce WW1 mine clearance service
£35 - £40
WW1 personal effects of 41909 Pte F J Clarke 4th Bn
Bedfordshire Regt. Died of Wounds 14/4/1918, born
Basford. Buried Etaples Military Cemetery. Lot includes
the original No 2 Record Office letter, Warley. Listing the
returned items, some of which are included in the lot (qty)
£30 - £35
WW1 photos of soldiers housed in a small carte de visite
album (qty)
£25 - £30
WW1 Pom Pom shells with heads four of German,
French & British
£100 - £110
WW1 Princes Mary Tin with Card + Photo, plus some
other WW1 documents (qty)
£30 - £35
WW1 scarce rifle grenade No 35 1917 dated
£65 - £70
WW1 scarce Turkish 1918 Pattern steel helmet no lining
£400 - £420
WW1 scarce Vickers Pattern Spiral Flechette dart as
dropped from aircraft over enemy troops
£65 - £70
WW1 Silver War Badges No 512103 Pte E A Marchant
Devons, B67043 Gdsm E F Knight, and B338019 Spr J
A Thomas RE (3)
£35 - £40
WW1 trench map of Lens France. Trenches corrected
10-2-17 with 1914 soldiers pocket book framed mid
certificate to L/Cpl J Johnson RASC signed by Churchill
selection of WW1 silk postcards
£90 - £95
WW1 Victory Medal named 2.Lieut N H Wallis. Died of
Wounds 25/5/1918 with "C" Bty 50th Bde RFA. Lived
Brighton, Buried Boulogne Eastern Cemetery. EF (1)
£50 - £55
WW1 Victory Medal named Maj. F S Wilson RMLI.
(surname officially corrected). Major Francis Stuart
Wilson was Killed 24th May 1915 with 1st Bde H.Q.
Royal Marines, aged 32. Buried Skew Bridge Cemetery,
near Gallipoli, Turkey. Born Campden Hill, London.
Wilson was one of the first men to qualify as a Pilot in the
UK No 497 on 29/5/1913. He also played 5x matches of
1st class cricket for Jamaica. London Gazette 6 Oct 1914
to be T/Lieut Colonel whilst in Command of a Battalion
of the RND 2nd Oct 1914 Chatham. Mentioned In
Despatches 12th June 1915. VF (1)
£100 - £150
WW1 Victory medal South African Bi-Lingual type, rare
original example in original box / ribbon
£70 - £75
WW1 Victory Medal to 15991 Pte B J Parsons Som L.I.
Killed In Action 1/7/1916 (first day Battle of the Somme)
with the 8th Bn. Born St Philips, Glos. On the Thiepval
Memorial. VF (1)
£44 - £46
WW1 Victory Medal to 21786 Pte J Ravenhill Worc R.
Killed In Action 6/8/1915 with the 4th Bn. Born
Gloucester. Buried Redoubt Cemetery, Helles. Small
edge nick VF (1)
£44 - £46
WW1 Victory Medal to 30519 Pte C Cook E.Surr.R.
Died of Wounds 3rd May 1917 serving with the 9th Bn
Essex Regt. Buried Douai Communal Cemetery. Born
Hockcliffe, Beds. (1)
£24 - £26
WW1 Victory medal to 327351 Pte. H. Furner Camb. R.
£20 - £25
WW1 Victory Medal to 34806 Pte H L Stagg Worc Regt.
Killed In Action 11/9/1918 with the 12th Bn Suffolk
Regt. Born Bristol. Buried Hagle Dump Cemetery. EF (1)
£44 - £46
WW2 ARP helmet with 1944 dated gas rattle and mask
with bag
£60 - £65
WW2 Casualty group to 1269226 Sergeant Pilot
Kenneth George Boulton RAFVR. Died aged 21
24/12/1941, buried Gweru Cemetery, Zimbabwe. Lived
Bures Hamlet, Suffolk. War Medal, with original named
medal slip, named box of issue.
£25 - £30
WW2 Casualty medals - Fireman & Trimmer William
Henry Robinson MN, Died 14/10/1942 S.S. Stornest
(Newcastle-on-Tyne), Sunk by U-706. On the Tower Hill
Memorial. Lived Cadoxton, Barry, Wales. 1939-45 Star,
Atlantic Star, War Medal, named medal slip and original
box of issue. With another group to Mr C R Robinson
RN of Barry, Wales. Defence & War Medal (these a late
claim pair).
£50 - £55
WW2 Dunkirk POW scrap album full of photos
newspaper cutting POW letters etc., to RSM Dennis
Bonner Stalag XXA
£130 - £140
WW2 group to 14300945 W/Bdr R H Austin RA. Lot
includes named box of issue, lived Bures St Mary, Suffolk.
1939-45 Star, F & G Star, War Medal. Soldier Release
Book, Service Book, photos etc (qty)
£30 - £35
WW2 group to 3244955 Sjt A B Wilson Cameronians.
Medals with named box of issue (label damaged), medal
slip and photos. Lived Glasgow. Medals - 1939-45 Star,
Italy Star, Defence & War Medals, Efficiency Medal GVI
with Territorial clasp (qty)
£50 - £55