Australian Rugby tour to Wales and Ireland 1992.
Facsimile Autograph Sheet issued as official production
sold with rare menu dinner ticket and ladies dinner ticket
for Barbarian dinner at Hilton 28/11/92 after playing the
Barbarians at Twickenham, dinner menu for match at
Cardiff 21/11/92 and programmes for tour matches v
Leinster 17/10/1992 v Munster 21/10/92 v Neath
11/11/92. Plus Australian Rugby tours to UK for
matches in Wales 29/11/2008, 28/11/2009,
06/11/2010. A menu for each match together with a
folder containing full sets of tickets for presidents box
lunch, post match reception etc and menu for Ireland v
Australia 15/11/2009 - VIP edition (qty)
£25 - £30
Blackpool v Brentford F/L 19th Sept 1938. Stained and
with damage
£24 - £26
Bobby Moore West Ham and England superb signed
colour magazine page of Moore leading out West Ham
circa 1960's signed boldly in ink to the white shorts on
foam backed board and ready to be framed 15" x 10"
image on a surround of 16" x 12"
£100 - £120
Bolton Wanderers postcard, not dated but style would
suggest circa. 1908/09 period team plus officials
identified from scrap book details of removal to rear but
card otherwise in excellent condition plus Northampton
Town postcard with legend Cobblers 1924/25 of full
squad and trainers and officials in front of dressing room
probably pre season plus additional card signed by
A.Dance and W J Watson appears with small identity
mark 1930 no identification can be found except a W J
identification may prove bonus (qty)
£35 - £40
Boxing - Don Cockell collection of progs covering career
from v Freddie Beshore 24/04/51, v Renato Tontini
20/05/52, v Johnny Williams British Heavyweight
Championship 12/05/53, v La Starza 30/5/54, v Harry
Matthews Eliminator for World Heavyweight
Championship 01/06/54, v Nino Valdes eliminator for
World Heavyweight Championship 13/9/55. Plus 5 rare
weigh in info sheets, weights, order of fights, referees,
given to officials/press by Promoter Jack Solomons
(approx 11)
£60 - £65
Boxing - excellent selection of big event boxing nights
includes rare Bruce Woodcock v Joe Baksi at Harringay
15/04/47, World Heavyweight Eliminator Freddie Mills
v Pol Goffaux Lt/Heavyweight Championship Europe
08/09/47, Freddie Mills v Joey Maxim rare
Lt/Heavyweight Championship 24/01/50, Bruce
Woodcock v Jack Gardner Heavyweight Championship
GB 14/11/50 (11)
£70 - £75
Boxing - various flyers for Boxing Events held in
Nottingham area at Sutton in Ashfield 1938 featuring
various Midland Title Holders including Butcher,
Gascoigne, George Marsden, Tom Bodell (possibly
Father of Jack Bodell - same family) also at Hanley
programme at Granby Halls, Leicester 18/05/1935 with
George Brennan, Ben Foord etc (approx 9)
£35 - £40
Boxing - various programmes for fights for the British v
British Empire Championships, jack Gardner v John
Williams Heavyweight 11/3/52, Terry Allen v Eric
Marsden Flyweight 16/2/54 (also covers European
Featherweight Sneyers v McCarthy) Jake Tuli v Dai
Dower 19/10/54, Eric Marsden v Dai Dower 8/2/55
both Flyweight, Randolph Turpin v Alex Buxton
26/4/55. All have rare weigh in information re. weights,
order of matches, Referees - as issued by promoter Jack
Solomons to officials/press only (10)
£45 - £50
Boxing collection of Boxing Tournaments circa. 1945-
1949 includes wartime victory programme 6/6/45 at
Coventry Standard Motors 26/10/46, Royal Albert Hall
26/4/44 includes Eric Boon, Vince Hawkins, Dave
Crowley etc at Wembley 1/5/46, A.B.A. Finals include
Randolph Turpin, Eddie Thomas and others (11)
£40 - £45
Boxing collection of Main Event Programmes includes
Jimmy Newman v Tommy Molloy Welterweight
Championship Great Britain 15/7/58, Charnley v
Curvis 24/3/64, Griffiths v Charnley 1/12/64, Rudkin v
Gonzalez 11/1/66, Bugner v Foster 13/11/73, Magri v
Morales 4/3/80 and others (9)
£35 - £40
Boxing collection of programmes in booklets etc. Royal
Albert Hall 23/04/46 Ernie Roderick etc. Boxing
Tournament Coventry 10/11/47 Ted Kid Lewis
Testimonial Booklet for this great fighter which was also
programme for tournament 19/9/50 rare and unusual,
Boon v Williams Harringay 31/5/48, Carlos Palomino v
Dave Boy Green World Welterweight Contest Wembley
14/06/77 and others (approx 12)
£35 - £40
Boxing collection of programmes relating to various Jack
Solomons boxing tournaments all at Harringay Arena
various boxers including Gardner, Hogan Kid Bassey,
Dai Dower, Dave Sands etc on 13/11/51, 3/11/53,
8/12/53 and 7/12/54. Also includes International
Programme for 20/05/52 includes Cockell v Tontini and
14/9/54 Hazell v Sullivan Middleweight Championship
GB v Empire. All have weigh in info sheets giving details
of Weights, order of fights, referees issued by promoter
Jack Solomons to officials (12)
£45 - £50