Harold I silver cut-halfpenny, Jewel Cross Issue, Spink
1163, obverse reads:- +[ ]D RECX, reverse reads:- [
]OFRED O[ ], mint and moneyer?, with study this coin
could be identified, very small sliver of metal off cut edge,
light peck marks, very short hairline crack into legend,
£150 - £200
Henry I silver penny, Type XV, Spink 1276, reverse
reads:- [ ]BAL[ ]NE ON L [ ], London Mint, moneyer
Baldwine, Ex. Spink NC Feburary 1975, 1072, Ex.
Sotheby's, Ex. Prestwich Hoard 1971, with four old
tickets, struck on an angular flan, half flat but probably as
produced, portrait to one side and clear, F
£120 - £160
Henry II silver cut-halfpenny, Cross-Crosslets or 'Tealby'
Type, Class A, Spink 1337, with old ticket, Ex. Seaby July
1971, GF
£40 - £50
Henry II silver penny Short Cross, Class 1b, Spink 1344,
reverse reads:- +IOhAN.ON.LVND, London Mint,
moneyer Iohan, with two old tickets, Ex. Seaby's Bulletin,
June 1970, H2897, well centred and a nice portrait, GF
£60 - £90
Henry II silver penny, Cross Crosslets or 'Tealby' Type,
Class D, Spink 1340, reverse reads:- +WILLA[ ]E[ ]N:C[
], Carlisle Mint, Moneyer Williame, with old tickets, full,
round, well centred, weak areas each side, Fair/F
£80 - £130
Henry III silver penny, Long Cross Issue with no sceptre,
reverse reads:- [hEN]RI ON LVN, London Mint,
moneyer Henri, Ex. Seaby, Ex. Colchester Hoard, with
two old tickets, reverse off centre, GF/F, together with a
cut-farthing of Oxford, found Rempstone, Leics., with old
ticket, F [2]
£40 - £45
Henry III silver penny, Long Cross Issue with sceptre,
Class 5c, reverse reads:- NICOLE ON CANT, Ex.
Seaby, Ex. Colchester Hoard, with two old tickets, GF,
together with a ditto but of Edward I, Class 6 of Bury
St.Edmunds, moneyer Ion, Spink 1377, Ex. Spink NC
May 1971, 5794, Ex. Colchester Hoard, with two old
tickets, reverse slightly off centre, F [2]
£40 - £50
Henry III Silver Penny. Long Cross issue, no sceptre, class
3c, reverse reads: HENRI ON LUNDE. (The EN of
Henri & ND of Lunde are ligate) Spink 1364. With old
ticket, nicely toned, well struck. EF.
£70 - £90
Henry III Silver Penny. Short Cross class 6c. Spink 1355.
Reverse roads +ILGER ON. LUNDE. London Mint. (N
& D ligated). Spink 1355. *Much better than the Mass
Sylloge coin No 1840.
£50 - £60
Henry V silver groat, Class C, mullet on right shoulder,
Spink 1765, with old ticket, a little evidence on reverse of
the piece bouncing in the die but full and well centred,
£300 - £400
Henry V silver penny of York a mullet and annulet in field
each side of bust, Series D, Spink 1779, Ex. Seaby's
Bulletin, October 1970, H3107, little flatness each side, F
£50 - £60
Henry V silver penny, York Mint, Spink 1791, mullet and
lis by crown, an annulet in one quarter of the reverse, this
piece was very carefully struck and is unusual in that it has
a full portrait which in this locally produced coinage is
rare, good even strike, GVF
£170 - £200
Henry VI First Reign Silver Groat of Calais. Pinecone
Mascle issue (1431 - 1432/3). Spink 1875. GVF. With old
£120 - £140
Henry VI silver groat, Annulet Issue 1422-1430, Calais
Mint, with annulets reverse, Spink 1836, GF/VF
£40 - £45