Henry VI silver groat, Annulet Issue, Calais Mint, with
annulets reverse, Spink 1836, with old tickets, a nice
evenly struck coin, GVF
£75 - £95
Henry VII silver groat of London, Facing Bust Issue,
Class IVa, Spink 2200, single, double barred arch to wide
crown with 4 crockets, mm. Greyhound's Head [1502-
1504], with two old tickets, full, round, well centred, dull
even tone, NVF
£150 - £200
Henry VIII silver groat, Second Coinage, 1526-1544,
Laker Bust D, Roman nose, fluffy hair, mm. rose, Spink
2337E, Ex. Seaby's Bulletin September 1969, H2357,
with two old tickets, full, round, well centred, nice
portrait, VF
£150 - £200
Henry VIII silver groat, Third Coinage 1544-1547,
Tower Mint, mm. Lis, Bust 1, Spink 2369, with an old
ticket, a nice coin of the period, GF
£90 - £130
Henry VIII Silver Halfgroat, second coinage 1526-1544
Canterbury Mint, Archbishop Thomas Cranmor T-C
beside reverse shield, mm. Catherine Wheel (obverse
only) Spink 2345. Small edge flaw, nicely toned. VF. With
old descriptive envelope.
£130 - £150
Henry VIII Silver Penny. Second coinage. DurhamMint.
MM. Star (obverse only) C-D at sides of reverse shield,
Bishop Tunstall (from 1530). Spink 2354. Full & well
centered. GVF. Seldom as good.
£130 - £150
Herennius Etruscus Silver Antoninianus. Rome Mint
250-251 AD. Reverse reads: Principi Ivventvtis.
Herennius in military attire standing left holding baton &
transverse sceptre. Sear 9523. EF with original lustre.
£40 - £50
Honorius gold solidus, Ravenna Mint 408-423 A.D.,
reverse reads:- VICTORIA AVGGG, in exergue
COMOB, in field R - V, with heavy bust as Sear 20920,
with ticket by Alan Cherry, has been in mount, edges
somewhat square and piece a little 'finger polished', lightly
crinkled, GF
£80 - £120
Iceni silver unit, Bury type, S.432 with modern chips, with
a denarius of Septimius Severus, small irregular shape,
NVF, with a silver looking antoninianus of Salonina,
NVF, with a ditto but of Postumus VF and lastly a billon
antoninianus of Carausius, small and chipped, F [5]
£60 - £80
Ireland. Edward I Silver Penny. Second Coinage (1279 -
1302) Dublin Mint. Class 1b. Spink 6247. Well struck
(evidenced by light obverse cross ghosting), old cabinet
tone. GVF.
£80 - £90
Ireland. Henry VIII Silver Sixpence. Posthumous issue.
(1547 - c.1550) Dublin Mint. Type IV. MM. Harp.
Obverse: small bust facing half right. Spink 6488.
Unusually good for this late issue, good metal, good bust.
£240 - £260
Ireland. James I Silver Sixpence, Second Coinage. MM.
Rose (1605 - 1606). spink 6517. NVF
£160 - £180
James I silver shilling, First Coinage 1603-1604, Second
Bust, mm. Lis, Spink 2646, light graffiti obverse, Fair/NF
together with a ditto but Charles I, Tower Mint under the
King 1625-1642, mm. crown 1635-1636, Spink 2791,
both with old tickets, Fair/GF [2]
£45 - £50
James I Silver Shilling. Third coinage, sixth bust. MM.
Trefoil (1624) Spink 2668. Light Obverse creasemark,
good portrait. VF. Old envelope.
£160 - £180